The commercial kept calling out to us. A catchy tune and the promise
of a round trip ticket to anywhere in Europe for under $500. None of us
could resist and the plan was in motion. Andrea and I would fly from
L.A. and land in New York for a layover where we’d meet Stacey at JFK.
Actually, it might be tricky since my two friends hadn’t even met yet.
It was the dead of winter. Stacey called to let me know about this great coat she bought. She couldn’t wait for me to see it because she just knew I was gonna love it. Andrea did some research and picked out a boutique hotel, within walking distance of the Spanish steps.
Speaking of walking, those two girls were planning on walking the whole city every day. They are both hardcore exercisers and felt that would be the best way to really see Rome. I tire easily, so that was so not going to be me. But, I would happily arrange to find some great restaurants. We all know what we’re good at. That’s my specialty.