I went snowboarding at Big Bear yesterday with a friend. As we drove up the mountain, we were immersed in a fog so thick that you couldn't see more than 5 feet in the distance. We figured a gloomy day was sure to be our destiny. We continued to drive into the higher elevation as we got closer the ski area. At about 7000 feet, the fog disappeared instantly and gave way to the clearest bright blue sky I've seen in ages.
Fried Green Matzoh Balls
What does traditional Southern cooking, and traditional Jewish cooking have in common. One word. BEIGE!
I was in the Great Smokey Mountains over the weekend, visiting the part
of my family who settled there many years ago. My sister-in-law is a
world-class cook, so I knew I was in for some yummy home cooking. I
rarely taste home cooking any more. It's just me at home. And I've
taken to referring to my kitchen as that room with all the white stuff
that I used to be in all the time.
Welcome to the Hunstrete House
Where a certain quality of light illumines the lush foliage and warms the honey coloured brick of this fascinating country house hotel. It dapples the grey and pinkish white hides of the does as they playfully flirt and then shyly turn away from the piercing eyes of the antlered deer. It ripples across the quietly moving waters of the trout stream and turns the shining leaves of the great towering trees to gold.
Hunstrete is an 18th century Georgian house set in ninety-two acres of deer park at the edge of the Mendip Hills between Bath and Bristol, dating as far back as 963 AD when Houndstreet Estate was owned by the Abbots of Glastonbury. In 1621 "Hownstret" passed to the Popham family of Littlecote whose home it became for the next three hundred years. It is definitely one of my favourite places to visit not only because of its historical background, but for the superb service headed up by general manager, Bertrand de Halgouet whose peerless French ability to charm guests makes your visit unforgettable.
Austin to Monterrey
The woman at the desk has never heard of that bus station before. It's on East 7th and Shady Lane, in the shady part of town.
arrive at ten o'clock. The woman at the counter tells me the 10:15
ticket I bought online doesn't take me where I'm trying to get.
So she puts me on the 9:30. Which doesn't show up until 10:45.
was the second leg of a mythic bus ride. I'd scheduled this route in
January 2007. I was going to fly from New York to Austin. Bus from
Austin to Monterrey. Monterrey to Central Mexico. My flight was
canceled because Austin was frozen.
I gave myself a high-five for following through, three years later. I took a sip of water.
hotel security accused me of shoplifting. I had elaborately stolen a
bottle of water, M&M cookies, and a package of Fig Newtons. Then
the mook realized the hotel didn't sell those products.
In Holland There are Long Lines at the Herring Shacks
I was looking forward to seeing the tulips on a recent trip to
Amsterdam. I imagined endless fields of brightly colored flowers.
Unfortunately I missed tulip season by a week. While the tulips were
gone, the spring herring were running and long lines of devotees waited
patiently at the herring stands throughout the city.
Pickled herring with sour cream and onions was a staple in my house
when I was growing up. Every night my dad had several fat pieces on
buttered pumpernickel bread. Wanting to connect with him, I would join
in. The firm fleshed pieces slathered with sour cream, topped with
thin strands of pickled onions took some getting used to, but eating
herring wasn't so much a culinary preference as an attempt at
father-son bonding.
My dad passed away many years ago and I haven't eaten herring since.
While I was in Amsterdam, I wanted to try the local favorites. The Dutch love Gouda, beer, bitterballen – a crispy fried ball of meat and dough – and, of course, herring. I wanted to try them all.
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