I don’t want to sound mean. Because I’m not. That said, I would sometimes ask my dad who this guy was or that guy. It would be a random dude that let’s say was always hanging around Jan Murray or Red Buttons. Sorry I’m not coming up with bigger names, but these were big names in my world. I guess I could say Frank. We’ll get back to Frank.
My dad would answer, “He’s a WITH.” And I will now explain what he explained to me because by this time in life, I knew what a “WITH” was. It’s a full-time, unpaid career of being best friends with someone famous. The prerequisite is that you usually did not have a real job and you just sort of hung around with someone. If you’ve seen “Entourage,” it’s sort of the modern day version. Okay, getting back to Frank, I have one name. Jilly. I’ll say no more.
Duke, my dad, had a way of getting his friends, in between wives and with no place to stay, to move in and help take care of him. (If you’re new to my blog, he was handicapped as a result of childhood polio.) Mostly, they were friends with lives and jobs and it would only last for a short period.
And then one day Tony moved in. Was Tony my dad’s WITH? Maybe. Although I’m not sure it counts if you’re not with someone famous. And Duke was not famous. His friend Mickey Hayes had a “WITH” and he wasn’t famous, so yes you can have one regardless. But Mickey had a ton of money. Duke was neither famous nor rich. Being my dad’s with was more like being butler to a poor man.