Comfort Foods and Indulgences

ricottacapucino.jpgI have found the answer to beating the summer heat. I am really not interested in sweating over the stove or oven when it comes to making summertime dessert.

This little concoction is a very yummy treat. Giada really got it right with this Ricotta Cappuccino. Magnificent might be a better description. It can easily be made ahead of time and ready to serve at your dinner party.

It's elegant, simple and just so darn good. I had to give some away before I slurped it all up. I have always been a member of the clean your plate club and I was going for gold. Luckily I have good friends who are always willing to take food off my hands.

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ossobucodone.jpgHave you ever tried to make something once, (twice, three times, with three different recipes from three different cookbooks) and it never quite came out the way it was supposed to. And your husband, who’s a better cook than you are (or at least better at actually following the recipe) tries the same from yet another cookbook and then another (at least we’re persistent) and it never works, never quite tastes the same tender, delicious way it does in practically any Italian restaurant on any corner in any city in the world.

So, you put it in the category of “Don’t try this at home.” Osso Bucco. It’s never quite tender, never quite fall off the bones delicious, Italian, melt in your mouth restaurant perfect!

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cake_pumpkindelight.jpgFor many years, we had always hosted the neighborhood Halloween Party. On the night of Halloween, everyone showed up in costume attire to chow down on big vats of homemade chili, corn muffins, and slaw or large trays of baked ziti, Caesar salad, garlic balls, and some sort of festive cocktail. It really depended upon my mood and how many were expected to show up.

One year, a friend of mine brought over a huge tray with a pumpkin like cake on it. I couldn’t figure out what it was. A layer of pumpkin like mousse atop some sort of crust over a sprinkling of pecans.

I took one bite and I was addicted. I can’t really call it a cake, even though it is made with a cake mix. It is kind of like a pie, but not really. Her mom called it “Pumpkin Delight” and I have to say, it is delightful. For years, I followed the recipe. Would never have thought to have changed it. But with me being conscious about what I put in the food that I make, thus what ultimately goes into my kids bodies, I decided to test this recipe using more whole ingredients.

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simpletiramisuFor a lazy summer afternoon, tiramisu is the perfect pick-me-up. Its literal translation is pick me up (tira mi su). Tiramisu is one of those desserts that has as many different versions as there are mothers in Italy.

This is my simple yet traditional version of the easy to assemble, no-bake, no-cook dessert.

Mascarpone can be found in Italian specialty stores usually in an 8-ounce or 17-ounce container. Feel free to use all 17 ounces if purchasing the latter size.

The tiramisu is best after it has been refrigerated overnight.

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ImageWith this Hot Artichoke-Spinach Dip, your friends and family will never know they are eating lots of vitamins A and K from fresh dark green spinach leaves and fresh, fragrant basil leaves. They won't know they're adding fiber to their diet. They won't even know they're getting vitamins and nutrients from artichoke hearts.

What they will know for sure is that they love the creamy, garlicky dip that they pick up with crispy chips. And only you will know that those chips have been made with whole wheat pita bread. This dip is so easy to put together, especially if you have a food processor. Just put all the ingredients into a food processor, except the pine nuts. A few pulses and the dip is ready to transfer to a baking dish. Usually less than 20 minutes in the oven is all it takes to become a hot, creamy dip.

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