Comfort Foods and Indulgences

tartarsauceSometimes what I crave isn't the thing itself but the sauce that goes with it. Years ago when I was a vegetarian, I did very well without eating meat except for a recurring craving for hot dogs. I couldn't go to a Dodger's game or a county fair without being taunted by the sight of a hot dog stand.

Even now, writing this, my mouth waters at the thought. In time I realized it wasn't actually the hot dog that I missed, it was the mustard, relish, and chopped onions that had me questioning my commitment to vegetarianism.

I have to confess to a lack of enthusiasm for fish. Over the years I have found appetizing ways to prepare salmon, sand dabs, tuna, and sole, but fish isn't my "meat" of choice.

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gingerbreadmuffin.jpgWow, what a Thanksgiving feast we had. A house full of family and friends, warm hearts, lots of smiles and very happy children. The food...stellar, as several women from the same family came together to make a feast for twenty-something people, one I will not soon forget.

I was in charge of dessert, I made five different kinds. These cupcakes were one of them. When I saw Ina make them on television, I knew I had to have them. They have rum soaked golden raisins and crystallized ginger mixed right into the die for.

The orange flavor plays perfectly with the gingerbread which I didn't expect. These are the perfect addition to any up and coming holiday meal....give them a try!

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cake_pumpkindelight.jpgFor many years, we had always hosted the neighborhood Halloween Party. On the night of Halloween, everyone showed up in costume attire to chow down on big vats of homemade chili, corn muffins, and slaw or large trays of baked ziti, Caesar salad, garlic balls, and some sort of festive cocktail. It really depended upon my mood and how many were expected to show up.

One year, a friend of mine brought over a huge tray with a pumpkin like cake on it. I couldn’t figure out what it was. A layer of pumpkin like mousse atop some sort of crust over a sprinkling of pecans.

I took one bite and I was addicted. I can’t really call it a cake, even though it is made with a cake mix. It is kind of like a pie, but not really. Her mom called it “Pumpkin Delight” and I have to say, it is delightful. For years, I followed the recipe. Would never have thought to have changed it. But with me being conscious about what I put in the food that I make, thus what ultimately goes into my kids bodies, I decided to test this recipe using more whole ingredients.

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Adapted from Best Recipes
Serve with your favorite dippers while rooting for your team.

blackbeandip.jpg 1 can (15 ounces) black beans, drained and mashed
1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded, deveined and chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon parsley flakes

Drain black beans and mash them with a fork. Add 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese, mayonnaise, jalapeno pepper, ground cumin, garlic powder and parsley flakes and mix until combined.

Spoon mixture into a 1-quart casserole, then top with remaining 1/2 cup cheese. Place onto a baking sheet and bake at 375°F uncovered for 20 twenty minutes or until heated through. Serve with your favorite dippers.

– Recipe courtesy of The Noble Pig


ImageThe morning began with a three hour power outage....a transformer exploded down the street.  I had just started to heat up soup for school lunches.  With an electric stove, that was no longer going to happen.  Since Oregon mornings, especially this one, can be very dark and dreary.

With two kids holding flashlights, I whipped up some sandwiches last minute and off to school they went. I remained home in the dark contemplating what I would do with my already derailed day. 

I ended up taking my 5 mile walk and thinking about what sinful treat I would bake, sometimes I wonder why I exercise.  Honestly, why I would bake anything is beyond me when we have pounds of Halloween candy left.  But whatever, these cupcakes are fabulous and worth every ounce of flab they will put on my bottom.

They truly do taste like caramel apples, minus the sour apple taste.  They are fabulous and you must try them...soon. I'm seeing this on a Thanksgiving dessert buffet....yes I am.

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