Joe’s Cable Car Restaurant in San Francisco is where “Joe Grinds His
Own Fresh Chuck Daily”. A large sign on the outside of the restaurant
declares this in bold type. Joe’s has been around since 1965. It is a
charming place on Mission Street just south of highway 280. You can’t
miss it driving down Mission. Windows are loaded with neon signs of the
Golden Gate Bridge, a cable car and other San Francisco landmarks. Joe
obviously likes signs. There must be 30 signs in the parking lot
warning you not to park without permission.
Entering the restaurant one is struck by its cleanliness and nostalgia. Christmas lights with little Santas are still strung neatly from the ceiling. Fake flowers adorn the room, but somehow they work because they haven’t become a dusty relic, but are clean and new looking. The floor shines bright. One of three energetic waitresses greets and escorts a diner to a seat.