It was an angela thing and it all started when she sent me a link along with a two word email that said “interesting, huh?”.
My god, so much has happened since then.
The birds have long been roasted to a golden hue and feasted upon while the carcass has been turned into a rich stock tucked away in my freezer. But at the risk of whatever reputation I might have it is both my pleasure and responsibility to present to you the saga of an inside-out very misunderstood version of the much more familiar and accepted turducken - the ducurkey. Or as we like to call it, The Space Shuttle Turkey.
Let me continue on by reminding you that I’m an excitable kinda gal. It doesn’t take much to get me up and on a bandwagon and so I was all about the space shuttle turkey. Because why can’t the Thanksgiving turkey have a little fun?