Ice Cream Sandwiches with Homemade Magic Shell

icecreamsandwichI haven’t been cooking. Well, if you call defrosting some homemade marinara and boiling some water for pasta, cooking, then I guess I have cooked a little bit.

Last week was Isaac’s Bar Mitzvah. I planned the whole event, from start to finish, and in the end, the high anxiety and elevated stress level was well worth it. Isaac’s “ear to ear” smile was worth the lack of sleep and the 8 pound weight loss.

As I slowly get back into a routine, I took inventory of what I currently had on hand. A big batch of frozen cookie dough was just what I needed to kick off the first of many summer holiday weekends. With plans to go to friend’s for a BBQ, whipping up a batch of homemade ice cream sandwiches was effortless.

As the cookies baked and cooled, I made a modified version of this “magic shell“. I used all bittersweet chocolate and added a pinch of Celtic sea salt, espresso powder, and some vanilla. Delicious! And additive free!

I made extra sandwiches and individually wrapped them in parchment, and stored them in the freezer. With lots of leftover magic shell, I know that these sandwiches and the magic shell will not go to waste. This treat, along side a taped episode of Ellen is exactly what I am going to need to get me through the task of picking up kids, homework, and getting dinner on the table.

Meal planning will resume next week! Happy beginning of summer and cheers to good weather, good memories, and lots of good eating!

Homemade Magic Shell {Vegan}

My 8 year old could make this – that is how easy it is! Make a batch of this and you will never, ever buy the packaged stuff again.


8 oz | 225 grams | 1 cup bittersweet chocolate
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
1/2 teaspoon espresso powder
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


• In a large glass bowl, set over a pot of simmering water, melt the chocolate, coconut oil, Celtic sea salt, and espresso powder. When the chocolate melts completely, remove from the heat. Stir in vanilla.

• Let cool before dipping your ice cream.

• Transfer leftover magic shell to a glass container that has a lid. Store in cool dark place. Will keep for 3 weeks.


Susan Salzman writes The Urban Baker blog to explore her dedication to good food in the hope of adding beauty to the lives of her family and friends.