If you’re looking for a unique and memorable gift that keeps on giving, why not give a subscription to my favorite magazine: The Believer. This is the coolest magazine e-v-e-r! I get red in the face when I try to describe it to my friends so they’ll want to pick it up.
Me: “ Oh my God, it’s completely unique! For one thing, it has zero photographs or ads. Every image is illustrated in a like, you know, graphic novel style? But Sedaratives is amazing! It’s this fake advice column….oh crap, you just have to read it!”
Sometimes The Believer has themes each month that come with, well, I think of them as gifts. Once their theme was Art and the tear-out insert in the front had the most beautiful temporary tattoos. The Music editions have come with a mix CD that makes INDIE 103.1 sound like Top 40.