Perfect Hash Browns

hashbrowns.jpgI found the secret to the crispiest, most delicious home fries.

It all started with a late night binge. I was still hungry (or maybe just bored…) after dinner one night, so I decided to make a baked potato. While I was waiting, I snacked on about a million other things, and when my potato was ready, I wasn’t hungry anymore. The potato spent the night in the fridge.

While I was thinking about breakfast the next morning, I decided to see what I could whip up with the potato…and wow, if you want a quick and easy breakfast side, this is the way to go!

Serve alongside your favorite breakfast!

Perfect Hash Browns

I have been loving these with fresh sage lately – roughly chopped sage gets beautifully crisp and adds a little luxury to the dish.

1 large baked potato (Bake for about 45 minutes in a 400 degree oven, until the potato is soft)
Olive Oil
Optional seasonings: Fresh sage, red peppers, garlic salt, etc
Salt and pepper

Brush a nonstick skillet with olive oil and heat to medium. Cube your baking potato into desired size pieces – they can be small or large, whatever you prefer! Plate potato cubes in single layer in pan, add seasoning…and don’t move them for at least 5-10 minutes! After five minutes, begin to check for color.

When they reach desired crispness, flip to another side (I do this with my fingers, because I have heat-resistant hands but sub-par spatula skills) and cook for another 5-10 minutes. I sometimes add a few dabs of butter to the pan at this point for extra flavor.

When they are nice and crisp, turn the flame up and “sautee” the potatoes, so the other sides brown a bit, too. Serve immediately!


Laura is has been cooking since she was a young girl and currently lives and works in Paso Robles, California. She share her passion for food on her blog Sweet Life Laur