The Royal Scotsman's Bread and Butter Pudding with Creme Anglaise

(Makes 18 portions)


1.5 pint Double cream
9 Eggs
150 grams caster sugar
150 grams raisins
1-2 loaves of soft bread (preferably baked by Mark)
Unsalted butter
Demerara sugar

Whisk caster sugar and eggs together, add cream and raisins. Butter bread and cube; add cream mix and leave to soak overnight. Pour and press into individual moulds and top with Demerara sugar. Bake in an oven at 170°C for 30-35 minutes until spongy when pressed.


500ml full fat milk
500ml double cream
200grams caster sugar
12 egg yolks

Heat cream and milk until rolling boil and cook out. Beat sugar and eggs together until pale and the consistency of cream. Blend the beaten egg mix into the milk, whilst off the heat, place back on heat and thicken. For additional flavor, you can add vanilla seeds if you wish…  

- Recipe courtesy of Nancy Ellison