Elizabeth Warren
for her fearless and vocal defense of the middle class. She should be head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau but we are lucky to have her in the Senate. —Allison Thomas
Jose Andres
not only because he's such a visionary chef, which he is, but because he's such a great humanitarian (hunger relief work with numerous organizations, like the DC Central Kitchen). His deep Spanish roots notwithstanding, he opened a pop-up restaurant in DC last year that celebrates 300 years of American gastronomy. He's also lectured on food chemistry at Harvard. —Steven Raichlen
Ben Affleck
for making ARGO, a smart, intense, clever, political movie about the amazing true story of the secret rescue of six American foreign service workers during the Iran hostage crisis. No explosions, extended car chases, super powers, 3-D, aliens, robots, cute babies, or talking animals were necessary to create this immensely entertaining film. Just great storytelling and first-rate acting. I have hope for Hollywood again. —Lisa Dinsmore
Jim Denevan
Jim Denevan of Outstanding in the Field. No one has done more to connect farmers and fishermen directly to the foodie public. —Steven Raichlen
Richard Wrangham
Wrote the book Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human and created the Evolutionary Biology Department at Harvard. Food history before we could even speak. —Steven Raichlen
President Barack Obama
for most of 2012 I was a nervous wreck, afraid that a tsunami of unregulated campaign financing would sweep away all good sense. So my pick for a favorite person of 2012 is President Obama because he returned to what he believed when he campaigned in 2008. And that turned the tide. —David Latt
Mitt Romney
who even when he was having a "personal best" managed to put a toe in his mouth. —Amy Ephron
David Corn and James Carter IV
my votes for "favorite persons" of 2012 go to David Corn and James Carter IV who, by presenting Mitt Romney's 47% video to a wide American audience, may have saved our democracy. (But we still have work to do....) —Christopher Cerf
Anonymous ...to the person who recorded Mitt Romney's 47% video. —Jeff Weicher
the empty chair
Clint Eastwood's partner at the Republican National Convention. —the Editors