It's 10 am in Denver and I am standing in line at Invesco Field
waiting to get in, where I will be omw of hundreds of volunteers. In 10
hours, Barack Obama will make history by accepting his parties
nomination to be the next President of the United States of America.
A little over two months ago, I left Los Angeles and my big law firm job to join Barack Obama's Campaign for Change, and came out to the new battleground state of Colorado. Now, as I await tonight's proceedings, I see the volunteers, the vendors, and the security staff pour in, the excitement is evident.
Over 80,000 people will be in attendance tonight, the largest crowd in the history of political conventions. As part of the staff here on Colorado, Ihelped distribute some of the Community Credentials issued to ordinary citizens and volunteers, and their excitement is palpable.
Tonight's speech will be more than a convention. It's the political equivalent of Woodstock.