I Don't Like the Rules

Let me just say it right here, with the internet as my witness, "I have a serious addiction to potatoes." There, my secret is out.

It's sad, but I am unable to consume a reasonable amount of potatoes when they are placed in close proximity.

Whether they are mashed, made into gratin, scalloped, french fried, baked, latkes, chips and even tater tots, (I could go on and on), I have a propensity to over-indulge in this tuberous root vegetable.

Even when called a tuberous root vegetable, it still doesn't turn me off. I think I'm a potato ho.

I rank potatoes right up there with butter and mayonnaise.  Spuds and I go way back.

What I don't appreciate is the "unspoken potato rule." Yes, there is one.

The rule is, "we always wait for the main course meal to enjoy this perfect food".


We wait for the mashed to have with the roast.  We wait for the french fries to have with the burgers.  We wait for the baked to have with the steak.  Are you seeing the pattern here?

It's all wrong.

potatoes.jpgI want to start my meal with the potato.  I love instant gratification.

This is why these Blue Sky Potato appetizers are the perfect way to get your next party started.

As an aside, let's talk about the name, Blue Sky Potatoes, for a minute.  I have no idea why they are called by this name. The recipe originates from a family who choreographs pyrotechnic shows. Maybe these were served before the show, under the blue sky? I have absolutely no idea.

Anyhow, these are the perfect addition to any upcoming food event. I'm sure there are other's like me who feel the potato has been pushed too far back into the meal. This will change everything for you.


Blue Sky Potatoes
Adapted from the Gruccis Family

24 new red potatoes, halved lengthwise
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1-1/2 cups sour cream
1 cup crumbled blue cheese
1/2 cup crumbled cooked bacon, plus more for garnish
1/3 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley, plus more for garnish
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped, plus more for garnish

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with olive oil.  Place cut side down on a baking sheet and bake until the skins are crisp, 25 minutes; let cool.

Scoop out the center of each potato half and place in a medium bowl. Stir in the sour cream, blue cheese, bacon, parsley and onion. Fill each potato skin with the sour cream mixture and top with more bacon, onion and parsley. Serve immediately or chill and serve later.


Cathy is currently in the development stages of her vineyard and winery in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.  She is a food writer for Davis Life Magazine and blogs daily about wine, food and everyday living.  She currently resides in Northern California with her husband and two sons.  You can visit her at noblepig.com.