Indian Summer Apple-Ginger Sparkler

applegingercider.jpg While apples are rolling in – out of Georgia’s orchards in lieu of peaches, this fizzy drink makes for a cool refreshment on an Indian summer day. After the first frost of autumn, our Southern climate often experiences warm days reminiscent of summertime before the onset of winter proper.

I love this time of year for its warm during the day and crisp at night and in the early morning. This drink is reflective of those temperatures. For if the day has a briskness in the air, serve it at room temperature.

If it is a warm Indian summer day, then serve over ice. Cinnamon sticks and candied ginger make for lovely garnishes and the ginger is a delightful snack too.

Indian Summer’s Apple-Ginger Sparkler

5 cups of good apple cider
1/4 cup of ginger syrup
One can of ginger ale (you can use sparkling cider instead of ginger ale if desired) – or even sparkling mineral water for a less sweet drink
Cinnamon sticks and candied ginger for garnish

In six glasses, place 2 tablespoons of the ginger syrup in each glass. Fill the glasses with ice cubes.

Mix the cider and ginger ale and pour over the ice. Stir so it becomes cold and garnish with cinnamon sticks and candied ginger.


James T. Farmer III was born and raised in Georgia, where he continues to live and work as a landscape designer. He shares his love of food, flowers and photography on his blog All Things Farmer.   His book "A Time to Plant" is now available.