This is a funny little recipe. It only has four ingredients and requires no baking. I used to make this cake when my boys were little and it always amazed me. I was looking through my recipes the other day for something and came upon this and had fond memories of it. I can't even remember where
I got this recipe from anymore, but it's a winner.
How does a cake require no baking? It's made from chocolate graham crackers and after you've frosted the crackers and let the cake sit for several hours, they soften up and become cake-like. No kidding. It works very well. You make two frostings, one with peanut butter and one with chocolate. It's easy and a great make-ahead little cake with very little effort.
The frostings are definitely worth making from scratch. They are basically just flavored whipped cream frostings, one peanut butter and one chocolate, and they are light and fluffy and absolutely delicious.
Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake "Cake"
Serves about 8-10
2 cups heavy cream, divided
1/2 cup peanut butter chips
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
12 whole chocolate graham crackers
optional garnish: chocolate jimmies
In a small saucepan, over low heat, combine 1/4 cup of the cream and the peanut butter chips, stirring just until melted and smooth: pour into a bowl. Repeat with the milk chocolate chips and another 1/4 cup of the cream; pour into another bowl. Refrigerate both about 15 minutes until cook, but not firm.
In a medium bowl, with mixer on high speed, beat remaining cream just until stiff. Gently fold half of the whipped cream into peanut butter mixture, 1/2 cup at a time. Fold remaining whipped cream into the chocolate mixture, 1/2 cup at a time. Refrigerate milk chocolate whipped cream.
Spread each of 10 whole chocolate graham crackers with about 2-1/2 tablespoons of the peanut butter whipped cream. Sandwich together coated crackers to form 2 stacks (5 cookies per stack). Top each stack with 1 plain graham cracker. Arrange stacks, side by side, on a serving plate, long edges touching. Frost with milk chocolate whipped cream.
Refrigerate 6 hours or overnight for cookies to soften into "cake". To serve, garnish with chocolate jimmies if you want.
Elaine McCardel shares her love fresh, homemade Italian cooking and food photography on her blog The Italian Dish.