Pomegranate Granita

Juice from 7-9 large Pomegranates or 3 cups 100% POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice
1 orange
1/2 cup arils from 1 Pomegranate for garnish OR zest peeled from an orange
1/3 cup sugar to taste


1. Prepare fresh pomegranate juice.*
2. Peel four 3-inch x 1/2-inch pieces of orange zest.
3. Combine pomegranate juice with sugar in large mixing bowl. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Add the four pieces of orange zest.
4. Follow directions for automatic ice cream maker or put in a large mixing bowl in the freezer. Stir every half-hour until frozen and fluffy.
5. Score 1 fresh pomegranate and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranate underwater to free the arils (seed sacs). The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the arils in a separate bowl. Reserve 1/2 cup of the arils from fruit and set aside. (Refrigerate or freeze remaining arils for another use.)
6. Garnish with arils or orange zest.

*For 3 cups of juice, cut 7-9 large Pomegranates in half and juice them with a citrus reamer or juicer. Pour mixture through a cheesecloth-lined strainer or sieve. Set the juice aside.


Courtesy of POM Wonderful